this is the 90s
I get up out of bed and I put on my leaving eyes.
The houses and shops will not be the same.
The people I smile at will be dead corpses
the next time we meet.
I lean in close and smell you while you're still sleeping.
The T.V. is on from my late-night searching
for God and amusement and sex and life.
Images still flicker in my brain.
I do not know what this move will make.
"Are you excited?" people ask.
"Are you looking forward?"
I say, "This is the 90's. We are post-everything."
I don't know what that means or maybe I do,
but people leave me alone after that.
I am sad and tired and I cannot see the sun.
What does this or that place mean?
One town is usually just as good as any other
and all the fundamental crap still applies.
I don't like this America we came back to,
but I don't know what else there is.
I don't like the way things are going,
but I don't know what else.
I just put on my leaving eyes,
lean in, smell you and shrug.
We are post-everything.