japan no. 2
my eyes are not through with their seeing this guy gave me his business card me and my brown, Nike shoes, where ain’t we been? I didn’t really know what to do SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday is allright so I ate it I got a nutty sense of absolution I am not really all that righteous nutty absolution in between feedings I give pause and wonder why not just write titles? art, literature, movies, music, class notes, actual classes I miss America not Ben & too-hip Jerry’s, but big concepts death and liberty and big, stinky arguments more death I ate the poor guy’s card! things I keep hoping for I write down and try to forget near-life experiences every once in awhile I think they come true some days, some days, some long, too-much days my wife is lovely, dark and deep someone also said that about the woods I would take it all if life were actual stuff and not all this meaning I would shove it into one, big Coke can and shake it and make a wish a place where time takes a little nap people get mad and say what they really think I can laugh and still look smart someone will get what they deserve (me included) I could just say, "go to hell" but I feel very blah and the door is closed am I really this way? and the lights are off